- 38mm Pendulum Grip for pendulum style shading; lower weight for lining. The 38mm is ideal for tattooers who prefer a larger grip. Great for long sessions, improves circulation in hand, and reduces the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.
- 4.0mm stroke with up to 5.5 mm adjustable throw.
- The best pen made for traditional style tattooing and bold lines. The Sharp has the closest feel to a coil machine. Lining very similar to THE SPIDER LINER but at the same time packing color trauma free. THE SHARP has a very wide voltage range and a light weight cam that allows you to control your hit by the speed or voltage. This allows you to cover all the bases . Black and gray, color packing and lining. The Sharp does it all. Hatchback makes it easier!👊
-5.1 inches 6.1 oz.
-Built in telescopic click system
-Black anodize
-Battery integrated
-2 Rechargeable batteries and charging station.
-10 hour tattooing time each battery -Digital readout VOLTAGE-BATTERY %-TATTOOING TIME.
-Removable click grip, auto clave safe.
-No back weight, perfect balance with lower center of gravity.
-Recommended parameters of voltage 6.2 to 10 This will ensure the longest motor life.
This is a cartridge machine only
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